Why do we pray before eating food in Indian culture?

People think that just by talking about some god they might be remembering some god But today I will tell you scientifically, not religiously.

In 1999, Dr. Masaru Emoto was experimenting on water and at the same time he experimented on rice. He kept the rice in three different pots. In those different pots he poured water in different pots and it is known that he did many experiments. He loved the rice kept in a vessel, meaning he spoke nice words to the rice in that vessel like you are love, I love you, thank you for being in my life, you are very beautiful. Or at the same time he abused another person like I hate you, it is okay to die, you will not be able to do anything in life, there is no need of you in this world, etc. etc. And just ignored the third pot and left it as is.

He continued this process for 30 days.

Imagine what would have happened now, the surprise is that the pot in which the rice was kept for 30 days after speaking good words to it, was glowing. The pot in which the rice was kept was abused for 30 days. The rice in that pot slowly started turning black And the pot which was ignored during the experiment also turned 50% black.

Do you know this experiment has been done before? Some videos of this experiment can also be found on YouTube. I will give you a reference of video And the videos I am talking about, Surprisingly all the videos got the same result. Read more about Spirituality

This experiment shows that in families where there is tension or daily fights we should not eat food at that family’s house that food has a negative effect on us and on the other hand, if you pray before eating food, then that food will have a positive effect on you.

So please start praying before eating food.

Spirituality | What is the Meaning of Spirituality

Making clear what is thought, without material body is not simple, not hard, because there are many different sorts of thought, without material body. There is thought, without material body inside religions (the religion of Mohammed, the religion of Christ, Buddhism),

The private road for thought, without material body is natural to in our nature, but the way the body less footway unfolds is nothing like it to each person. There are many spiritualities, and what is thought, without material body to you may be different from what it is for me.

Definition of Spirituality and Why it is Important?

In simple words, thought, without a material body is an all-over view and a way of living based on the belief that there is more to living than what has met with the senses, more to all existence than just purposeless trained workmen using machines, more to consciousness than electrics impulses in the brain, and more to our existence than the body and its needs.

thought, without material body usually has to do with the belief in a higher form of or consciousness running the all existence, as well as living after death. It has existence to give what is desired, needed to the deeper to do with man feeling need for that is, peace, unclear event, and truth.

The spiritual journey has to do with first making (getting) well and putting forward as truth the self so that positive states are experienced; with safe self-respect, belief in self-value, and an amount of room for love and free giving, a person becomes less limited by the self ways to keep safe from attack. An opening of the heart is the most important point of view of true thought, without a material body. In this connection, one may question the thought source nature of feeling pleasure through pain with strong feelings of religious experiences such as self-flagellation, which is based on a belief in the badness natural to the body rather than on any true connection with, and therefore kind feelings for one in trouble for, the body. This pictures the fact that religion does not always work for the forward development of the body less development but may get sidetracked into experiences that make come into existence feelings of self-importance, feelings of higher, greater level, and so on. or else lead to a person becoming bog down in valuelessness, Guilt, and shame
all of which feelings are commonly let go on by psychiatric persons getting care. In short, religion will be taken up by a person in a way that as necessary gives back (light, heat, sound) their own level of development and growth.

The development of thought, without a material body is generally taken in as needing some sort of experience or field of knowledge to make forward development’. This can have to do with the one hopeful for a position in statements that seem to say opposite things such as non-striving, the gateless number having made payment to see the event, or coming starting place to oneself. thoughtful experiences such as making religious requests and the act of being in deep thought are the common number under the line in math of many religions and the organization of thought, without a material body. Without them, personal growth is much slower and organization less. A person doing teaching or guiding is usually suggesting. body less development often has to do with acting without conscious thought events that can not be accounted for with science and that may be given to an outside force, for example: attraction, or angelic or like a higher being coming between groups. The make into different sorts of Saul of Tarsus on the road to Damascus is one such sudden, surprising example. Development may not necessarily be sudden, at a blow event but can come about more gradually as when going through an experience of serious illness, or an end, the last point diagnosis, when the quality of being readily broken of living is let be seen and a person re-evaluates the that is of their living.